
Don't hesitate to contact us at in case your question is not in our FAQ.


Will there be an iOS version?

Yes, iPhone app is already in development and will be available for pre-order soon.

What is "Aggressive Margin"?

The Aggressive Margin is the total of:

  1. player's Winners
  2. minus player's Unforced Errors
  3. plus counterparty's Forced Errors

We can recommend the following articles to learn more:

Can I delete my account?

Yes, you can. Do the following:

Can I backup my data?

Yes, you can. To backup data into the file do the following:

To restore the data from the backup, please do the following:

Can I change my email?

Yes, you can. Actually, you can sign in with any of your Google emails, but each of them will be linked to a separate Tennis Math account, and data in one account (matches, players, etc.) is not visible to other accounts. If you are in a situation where you, for some reason, need to transfer the data from one account to another, you have two options:

It's really up to you, but it would be good if you kindly let us know if everything is in place.

What to do if my PREMIUM subscription is not recognized?

Most possibly, you have two or more Google accounts on your device, and the PREMIUM subscription is purchased by the non-primary account. The reason of the issue is the way how Google Play handles primary and secondary accounts. Here is a workaround to mitigate this:

  1. Make sure your Tennis Math data is synced with the server.
  2. Uninstall the Tennis Math from your device.
  3. In a browser on some other computer (not the device!), open this page:
  4. Log in with your secondary Google account (this should be the account you used to purchase the PREMIUM subscription).
  5. Install Tennis Math from that browser page to your device.
  6. Now Tennis Math should recognize the PREMIUM subscription.